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10 reasons to start your day with two glasses of water. Know the benefits and the role of water for leading a healthier life.

Apr 11, 2022 Wellbeing, General, Lifestyle diseases, Weight Management

By Anu M.V., Candok Health Coach @ candok.in

I start my day with 2 to 3 glasses of water. In a day I drink 9 -12 glasses of water. When consulting, I request my patients to do the same. Also when teaching, I tell my students that drinking water helps improve metabolism and helps you focus and stay young. Dehydration causes inflammation, stimulates and fastens the aging process and even mild dehydration can cause fat gain.

Water in the Human body: About 60% of the human body’s total weight is water and on average the body requires 9 to 12 cups of water everyday.

Let me get to 10 key reasons why you should start your day with  2 cups and consume a total of 9 to 12 cups of water daily. 

Starting your day with two to three cups of water 

  1. Purifies the colon, making it easier to absorb nutrients.
  2. Reduce the energy utilization of your body 
  3. Helps in weight reduction by reducing your appetite and improving metabolism.
  4. Rehydrates heart muscles and supports the functioning of the heart.
  5. Water improves the functioning of fiber and thereby reduces the chance of constipation.
  6. Cures headaches and dizziness as it is mainly caused due to dehydration.
  7. Increases the energy levels of brain cells and improves concentration.
  8. Clears your skin by moisturizing the skin.
  9. Water flushes toxins out of the body 
  10. Water provides immunity by balancing body fluids.

What to do to make sure you drink enough water every day: Most people think they consume sufficient quantity of water everyday, however, I recommend you to either have a bottle filled and keep drinking throughout the day or keep account on the number of glasses of water you drink. This will help to stay hydrated and supply the body with the required amount of water.


Click here to speak to a Candok Health Coach for your personalized consultation. 

Candok Health Coach ( Nutritionist/Dietitian) can provide guidance,  prepare a customized diet plan, suggest basic physical activity and guide you through your journey to well-being

Understanding and applying Nutrition Series. Edited by Candok editorial board, Candok Lifestyle. Live Life, Naturally!

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