Add grounded flax seeds to any meal and make it nutritious.
Flaxseeds, also known as linseed, have numerous benefits that could help many people if they just knew more about it.
Flaxseeds are an important source of protein, fiber, and are also rich in polyunsaturated fat (73% of the fat in flaxseeds are polyunsaturated), which is all beneficial for your body.
Flax Seeds and Prostate Health:
In a study, Demark-Wahnefried asked a few men with prostate cancer to eat 30g of flaxseed for four weeks along with a low fat diet and compared them with those who didn’t eat flaxseed. At the end of the study,it was shown that the multiplication of prostate cancer cells had decreased more in the patients who added flaxseed to their diet than those who didn’t.
Flaxseeds: Disease Prevention & Strengthening Immunity:
Numerous studies have shown that flaxseed has huge potential in disease prevention and also helps strengthen immunity.
Flaxseeds and Heart Health:
Flaxseeds have a particularly high impact on those with cardiovascular diseases such as improving vascular reactivity. Flaxseed can also lower total and LDL cholesterol, as well as lower both plasma cholesterol concentrations and decrease blood pressure simultaneously. Flaxseed may help serve as a natural way to lower their cholesterol, which may reduce the need for medication and their side effects.
Add grounded flax seeds to any meal and make it nutritious:
A spoon of grounded flaxseed can be added to cereals, smoothies or mixed with chapati or roti dough. Adding this to the dough compliments the flavor, making it slightly nutty and easy for regular consumption.
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Understanding and applying Nutrition Series. Edited by Candok Editorial Board, Candok Lifestyle. Live Life, Naturally!