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Spinach: Antioxidant properties of green leafy vegetables. How spinach can contribute to improvement in heart health

Apr 4, 2022 Lifestyle diseases, General, Healthy Heart, Vegan, Weight Management

Many of us understand the importance of leafy, green vegetables. The study we examined strengthens the importance of including green leafy vegetables in our diet.  

Food high in oxygen radical absorbance capacity like spinach and other leafy green vegetables should be eaten boiled or raw. We go after artificial sources of strength and protein ignoring a healthy option which is easily available – Green leafy vegetables are a good source of proteins and antioxidants that can help in the formation and strengthening of endothelial cells.

Green leaves such as Swiss chard, beet greens, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, parsley, spinach, and asparagus have high antioxidant properties. Sometimes it is slightly difficult to find a variety of leafy green vegetables, but of course it isn’t impossible. Trying to include at least one or more types of greens in your diet is a great starting point.

In one of the studies by Dr Caldwell, he mentioned that consuming a fistfull of boiled (5-6 mins) green leafy vegetables along with a few drops of balsamic vinegar (the acidic property of the vinegar) restores nitric oxide.

According to this, the preparation has to be consumed by chewing as opposed to drinking it in juice form.  Chewing helps in the absorption of the antioxidants into the body. This could help people with heart ailments.

In addition, eating green leafy vegetables will enhance bone strength, help with weight loss, eyesight, and your brain. – Eat Natural and Stay Healthy.


  1. Dr Caldwell prevent and reverse Heart disease (2007) .
  2. Enhancement of Antioxidant of green leafy vegetables upon different cooking method Afsal Hossain , ,mst Afifa Khatun, Mahfuza Islam and Roksana haque .
  3. Food technology Division, Institute of food and Radiation biology, Atomic energy research establishment, Dhaka 1000,Bangladesh.


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Understanding and applying Nutrition Series. Edited by Candok Editorial Board, Candok Lifestyle. Live Life, Naturally!

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